
Accelerating the attainment of the gender equality

Muiru, Esther Mwaura; Mbugua, Ann Sabania; Ndung'u, James

Accelerating the attainment of the gender equality

Women's empowerment and women's rights in Kenya
Nairobi, 2023

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Report on the accessibility of public transport service in Nairobi metropolitan area

Report on the accessibility of public transport service in Nairobi metropolitan area

Nairobi, 2023

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The need for inclusive transport in Kenya

The need for inclusive transport in Kenya

Nairobi, 2023

Download publication (520 KB, PDF-File)

Simple guide to urban land regularization in the informal settlements in Kenya

Mutuku, Dominic

Simple guide to urban land regularization in the informal settlements in Kenya

Nairobi, 2022

Download publication (800 KB, PDF-File)

Public transport Code of conduct for Kenya

Public transport Code of conduct for Kenya

Nairobi, 2022

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People's voices in national climate plans

People's voices in national climate plans

Civil society perspectives from Kenya, the Kyrgyz Republic, Morocco and the Philippines
Berlin, 2021

Download publication (360 KB, PDF-File)

Towards the just city in Kenya

Towards the just city in Kenya

Nairobi, 2020

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Towards a low carbon climate resilient development

Kibugi, Robert

Towards a low carbon climate resilient development

Discussion paper on shaping a just transition for Kenya
Nairobi, 2020

Download publication (2 MB, PDF-File)

Time for a Post-Coronavirus social contract!

Maihack, Henrik; Öhm, Manfred

Time for a Post-Coronavirus social contract!

Berlin, 2020

Download publication (135 KB, PDF-File)

Climate security in the Horn of Africa

Climate security in the Horn of Africa

Perspectives on addressing climate-related security risks from the Horn of Africa
Berlin, 2020

Download publication (180 KB, PDF-File)

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