Climate Justice

Climate Justice

FES Kenya supports its partners by facilitating progressive discourses on a socially just economic development which emphasize social justice, gender justice and environmental sustainability. Using the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as a reference point, FES Kenya has put a focus on supporting its partners in strengthening distributional justice and inclusive growth as well as addressing the negative effects of climate change and the challenge of long-term energy security, all of which are important components of a modern industrial and economic policy for Kenya.

As the world grapples with the effects of the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, there is need for constructive dialogues on shaping strategies towards building an ecologically sustainable economy for Kenya. The impacts of these crises permeate every aspect of society and has resulted in economic and social inequalities that are further compounded by the rapid urbanization and processes of digital transformations. There is therefore a critical need for constructive dialogues on shaping strategies towards building an ecologically sustainable economy.

We believe in the importance of aligning our efforts with global agendas such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement, which underscore the urgency of achieving greenhouse gas neutrality by the middle of this century to mitigate the adverse impacts of global warming (SDG 13). For this goal to be achieved, a global energy transformation away from fossils, emission-intensive processes towards sustainable, renewable energy sources must occur. This structural change, finally, must be socially inclusive and just and thereby in line with SDG 8 (decent work) and SDG 10 (reduced inequalities). FES Kenya supports its partners working for such a socio-ecological transformation and just transition.

In pursuit of these goals, FES Kenya collaborates with political parties, trade unions, civil society, and academia to advocate for justice and solidarity in Kenya's economic, industrial, and energy policies. Furthermore, we actively work to amplify Kenyan voices in global dialogues on sustainable economic systems, energy transitions, climate justice, and the development of international climate policies. Our commitment extends beyond merely ensuring representation; we strive to ensure that the perspectives and concerns of Kenya are not only heard but also given due consideration in shaping global agendas for a sustainable future.

