Kenya Office

Peponi Plaza, Unit D2, Peponi Rd.
PO Box 14932, Westlands
00800 Nairobi, Kenya

+254 20 374-8338
+254 20 374-6992

Team & Contact

Labour Movement

Labour Movement

The FES Kenya Labour Movement Programme works closely with the Central Organisation of Trade Unions - Kenya (COTU-K) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC-Ke) and their respective affiliates to promote decent working conditions and labour standards. FES Kenya sees trade unions as crucial actors with a democratic mandate to represent working people across Kenya. More

Young Leadership

Young Leadership

Together with various partners, FES Kenya offers training programmes for future young leaders from civil society, political parties and trade unions. More

Climate Justice

Climate Justice

FES Kenya facilitates discussions among its partners and experts of possible pathways to a socioecological transformation in Kenya with a particular focus on how to jointly reach SDG 8 (decent work), SDG 10 (reduced inequalities) and SDG 13 (climate action). More

Just City and Politics

Just City and Politics

A 'just city' is characterized by equality, democracy, diversity, access to public services and public spaces for all in one city. FES Kenya brings together its partners to develop concepts on how to shape a democratic, socially just and ecologically sustainable urbanisation process in Kenya. More

Latest Publications

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This video that is produced by the FES Kenya office, looks at the concept of what a Just City is and what it means to the citizens of Kenya.

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FES Africa Department

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