
G20 Compact with Africa

Kappel, Robert; Reisen, Helmut

G20 Compact with Africa

The Audacity of Hope
Berlin, 2019

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Discussion paper on just energy transition in Kenya

Ireri, Benson

Discussion paper on just energy transition in Kenya

Nairobi, 2018

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Political economy of climate change interventions in Kenya

Kibugi, Robert

Political economy of climate change interventions in Kenya

who benefits and who loses?
Nairobi, 2018

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Korruption ist ein Symptom

Maihack, Henrik

Korruption ist ein Symptom

Wie Urbanisierung Kenias Politik verändert
Berlin, 2018

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Why peace fails: The case of South Sudan's Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan

Blackings, Mairi John

Why peace fails: The case of South Sudan's Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan

Dakar-Fann, 2018

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Trade unions in transformation

Omolo, Jacob; Odhong, Emily

Trade unions in transformation

developing and utilizing power resources: the case of Kenya National Private Security Workers' Union
Berlin, 2017

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The inherent danger of hate speech legislation

Scheffler, Andrea

The inherent danger of hate speech legislation

a case study from Rwanda and Kenya on the failure of a preventative measure
Windhoek, 2016

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Kenya's jubilee hangover

Bollrich, Elisabeth

Kenya's jubilee hangover

torn between domestic turmoil and international affairs
Berlin, 2014

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Devolution made simple

Onyango, Patrick O.

Devolution made simple

a popular version of county governance system
Nairobi, 2014

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Kenya's March 2013 general elections

Sana, Olang

Kenya's March 2013 general elections

a review of major activities and developments in the Nairobi slums
Nairobi, 2014

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